176 A Treatife of the A f feaions. leeks it and hecannot finde it ;it is hard,fayes one,to know how to pray and be holy, it is hard (ayes another, to know how to repent and give over my fumes, and be flrift, and I cannot do it_ lilt)? that is, becaufe thine afeétions are bent another lay ? but if thine affe&ions were let upon Heaven, this knowledge were eafie. Come unto me ye that labour, layes the world, I will make it eafie to travel!, and cark, and care; come unto me, (ayes pleafure, I will make it eafie to be merry and to laugh : come unto me. (ayes the flefh, I will make it eafie to be revenged on him that does wrong i thee ; I will make it eafie to obtain this and that. So layes the Lord Jefus, Come unto me ye that labour, and I will give you ref}, my yoke is eafie, Mat. it. ;o. Whatever thou affedefl, come to it, and thou fhalt finde it to be ea- fie. A man would wonder how the labouring man will fweat and work till he is faint, to get a little maintenance, the reafon is this, he affects it. One would wonder what dangers Alexander did run through, to enlarge his king- dom and his power, the reafon is this, he affefls it. One would wonder how Baalr Priefls cut themfelves after their manner with knives, and with lancers, till the bloud gufh- ed out upon them, r Kin. i 8.28. the reafon was this, they affected will- worfhip. Any thing is eafie when a man does affed it wouldfl thou perfwade a man to any hardfhip un- der heaven? do but turn his affe&ions unto it,and thou haft prevailed : Fletlere eft vifloria; fayes Auflin, do but bend a mans affedions, and thou haft prevailed with him. O fayfl thou,I finde it fo hard to be heavenly,fo hard to be zealous, fo hard to depend upon God ; what is the reafon of this ? thine of etions are earthly; if thine affedions were fet right,it would be the eafief }.often thoufand My heart bath fuck a haunt, and Ifinde it fo hard to break my felf of it; i am cholerick, and I finde it fo hard for to bridle it ; I am poor and afflided, and I finde it fo hard for to bear it ; alas, alas, it is the eafiefl thing in the world, if thine affedions were to it. Wouldeil thou not be glad to count it to be eafie tot L.46.1b.. de doElr, Gbrilt.