A Treatife of the 4ffettions. ( 2 to ferve God, eafie to walk in all holineffe trea-1 fure as to live at eafe, as we fay. I know thou wouldeft be glad to finde it eafie to abandon thy corruptions, and pleafe Cod better then thou doll, O labour then to Let thine af- fec`tions on God, andall things are eafie. Should we per- I ifwade thee to part with thy geegaws, thou art fo loth, it is a hard task to perfwade thee, that is, becaufe thou wilt be proud ítil1: fhould we perfwade thee to difcard wicked company out of thy houle, thou keepeft an Alehoufe, and thou art loth to thruft them forth of thy houle, that is, becaufe thou wouldef& fain have their cultome, thine affe- dions are that way, and therefore it is not eafie to perfwade thee, but let thine affections aright, and every difficulty -is eafie. The fecond motive is taken from the fiamelefeneffe of the z, affeiîìont: If thou beell once deeply affected with any A. man is thing, thou wilt never be afhamed of it. See a proud phan- a" aa,a* taftìcalf fool that affeéteth his long locks, and his love- med of lock. Every one that is fober- minded and fees him, is rea- ffe@s . dy to fay, what a humerous fool is yonder man, what a Ageeilaus. ruffian he is ! how like a Maftiffe or a Bedlam does he Pbilop.esss look ! yet the fool is not afhamed thereof, becaufe he af- fats it. See a light - headed wretch that is ever a fooling, and ever a jelling, and ever a toying, and playing, and this fport, and that fport. Every grave man that beholds him is apt for to fay, what a vain man is this p I never law filch a light-headed lot in my life ; yet the wretch is not afha- med thereof, becaufe he affeds it. The fwearer- (wears, and is not afhámed : the worldling coáetA, and is not afhamed ; the mocker mocks, and is not afhaMed ; though every man in his wits that does view them, marvels at their madhefle, and how defperate they be : all cry, íhame on them, yet they are not athamed ufe they affect it Thou halt a I { whores forehead, thoullonfeft to be afhamed, f er.3.3.The . I whore whofe affections are let on her lovers, and her adul- terers, cannot be afhamed,- but the dares go on for all the A a fhame