Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

178 ATreatife of the Affettionf. fhame of the earth ; why ? becaufe fhe affects them, Nero was not afhamed of his villanies in the open market of Rome. Vefpafian was nót afhamed of his (finking coveteoufneffe by urine If it be thus, O why doff thou not fet thine affe- ctions on God, and on Chrift, and his laws ? thou couldefl never be afhamed hereof,, if once thou didfl truly affect them. When David: affections were flirred to dance before the Ark of God, and put off his garment to do it the bet- ter, fie upon thee, fie upon thee, fayes Mice /. fie for fhame, what art thou not afhamed to make thy felf vile on this fa- fhion ? I will be more vile yet, fayes he, if this be vileneife, to rejoyce before God, if this be effeemed a vileneffe, I will be more vile yet : he could not be afhamed, becaufe his affeélions were fet upon Gods Ark. Out you Puritan, you are a vile companion, to be fo precife as you are ; you mull be reproving and talking of the Scripture upon every occafion, out you hypocrite you, are you not afhamed to do thus ? No, no, he is not afhamed, he can never be afha- med : if this be to be a Puritan, to be holy and 116 61 againll fin, I will be more a Puritan yet ; If this be to be an hypo- trite, to be labouring to draw others from their lulls, I will be a more hypocrite yet. If this be fingularity, not to do as the men of this world do, I will be more fingular yet; I will fpeak of Gods teflimonies and it were before Kings ; and 1 Will not be afhamed, Pfal. 119.46. Impudence, and not to be ashamed, is a very great matter ; if it be in fin, it is defperate, it is a fign a man is defperately affected rewards finne ; but if it be in good, it is admirable; it is a holy kinde of impudence, it is a fign a marris deeply affect- ed towards good, fo affec`led that nothing can make him afhamed. Never will a man be afhamed-of that which he x.ffects ; fie for fhame, will you be rich and take in fuch profits ? will you be in futh cm.. fie, will you be a Lord and a Nobleman in fuck honor ?sVill you be learned and ga- ther fo much knowledge ? He conceives they are all fools that fay fo, though peradventure they do not affect fuch things,