Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

d Treatife of the Affections. J 179 things, yet he does, and therefore he will not be afhamed of them. So if thine affections be let upon Chriff, thou wilt never be aThamed of his croffe, never afha fined of his badge, never afhamed of his Word. The children of the devil are not afhamed of their abominations; they can drink and be drunken, and vomit, and reel,, and nut be afhamed ; they can be proud and carnal, and have no more religion in them then the flock, and not be afhamed, Agefilaus will not be. afhamed of his halting, Philopemcnes will not be a- fhamed of his deformedneffe, when they hold it their credit to be thus as they were. O therefore let thine affe- ftions on God, and thou (halt never be afhamed of his waies. The third motive is taken from the hankeringneffe of the affections. Look¿,what thou fetteflthine afftlionsupon, that What he thou Wilt hanker after. If thou let thine affections on the 'ffeft;ons things of this life, thy heart will fo hanker after them, that be upon, hey they will haunt thee whatever thou goell about ; they will ! haunt thee at prayer time, and haunt thee at Churchtime, after that. they will haunt thee in the Sabbath, and haunt thee,at the Sacrament ; like the Fly in Albert us, that was ever hankring after the bald head : though he flapt it off again and again, yet full it would be hankring, he could never be rid of it, it would (till be a hankring. Who would be thus troubled with his affections ? he cannot go by an Alehoufe, but his affections water to go in : he cannot fee a pair of Tables, but his affections hanker after a game ; he cannot meet with an injury, but his affections itch to revenge; he cannot fpeak well nor do any thing which is commendable, but his affections mull be fwelling with pride. Who, I fay,would be thus troubled with his affections? Though God had forbid Lots wife to look back upon pain of his heavy dif- pleafure, nevertheleffe her affections did fo hanker after her houfe, and her countrey, and her ancient acquaintance, that fhe looked behinde her, Gern.19.26. Her carnal affe- ctions did fo haunt her every flep fhe took, that they ne- - A a z ver