Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

igo ATreatifeof.tbeAffeaions. ver lind till that fhe looks back. They are greedy dogs,they look to their own way, /f4.56.1 1. Thine affedions if they be not fet right, they are like greedy dogs in the Kitchin, that are ever looking to the platters, be the Maìieffe eye Hater fo little off, they are licking inftantly. So thine affe- dions are ever hankering after that which thou affecteft : and therefore thou art beft to fet thine affedions on God : for look where they are fet, there they will be hankering. If ever thy heart be turned to God, and thine affections converted to him, they will ever be hankring and looking after God. At that day_íhall a man look to his maker, and his eyes shall have refpe& to the holy one of Ifrael, /41 7.7. At that day, that is, when God Ihall convert them, then their hearts (hall ever be hankring and looking after God. O then fet thine affedions on God,ifthou delireft thy heart fhould hanker after God. Thou art yet no better then a 1 wretch, till thus it be with thee. If thine affedions be ever I hankering after thy pleafures and thy copefmates, and thy vanities, thou art never well but when thou art at them. The Sermon is quickly tedious, and prayer tedious, and godly difcourles are tedious unto thee : why ? becaufe thy minde hankers about othergates matters; as long as it is thus thou tanfi not be faved. Look unto me, (ayes Chrift, and SI be ye faved all the ends of the earth, Ifa.45.22. Ye can ne- ver be faved, unleffe ye hanker and look after me, (ayes the Lord ; as the Heliotrope or the turn -fol that ever looks to- wards the Sun,fo a gracious heart does after the Lord. God counts it an honour unto him, that the foul fhould be ever Seneca de a hankering and ever a looking after him ; e'EFlimari nos' Naglf. putamen toties, queries eJJJici,fay es Seneca; it is a true raying ; we think we are efteemed when men do look after us ; So God counts it an honour to his Majefly, when our fouls do hanker and look after him. It is true, the things of this life may chance to draw away our mincies now and then, and make us look after them : but it we have any grace, fo much as a grain ofmuftard feed, ourfouls will ever be han- kering