Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

11TreßtifeoftheAffeeliont. t81 kering and looking after God. So it was with Ionas, though his corruptions had made him to look off from God,ne- vertheleffe he could not abide to be in that cafe, his heart is again looking and hankering after God: oh for the light of his countenance, oh for his grace and his Spirit, oh for power and ftrength yet to be refolute for God, Yet Will I lookagain towards thy holy Temple, Ionah 2.4. Let Godaf- fliel me, I cannot but look to him ; let God fling me into the Whales belly, I cannot but hanker after him, let - him tail me into the belly of hell, yet will I look again fayes he : his affections were let upon God, and therefore did his heart ever hanker and look after God. This is a fweet motive to perfwade us : if we would once let our afteetions on God, our fouls would ever hanker and look after God. The fourth motive is taken from the fpurrings of the af- fections, they fpur a man to that he affettr : they are animi calcaria, as Melanithon does call them, they are as it were the fpurs of the foul. What is the reafon that men go on in any bufinetfe like lazìe jaded Affes, (ayes Vives, becaufe they have no affection to it. What is the reafon they go fo fluggifhly on to good duties, they fit fo fenfelesly hill in feats at a Sermon, they kneel fo lumpith!y and dead-hear- tedly in prayer to God ? becaufe they have no fpurs in their fides, they have no affehtionto thefe things. Now if we would fet our affeetions on God, we would feel in our bofomes a certain fpur that fpurs us to .every good word and work ? a gracious heart is Paid to flir up it fell, Exod. 36.2. God counts thofe prayers no prayers, that are not full of thefe fpurrings and fturings; there is none that cal- leth upon thy name, that ft,rrerh up himfelf to take hold on thee. Ifa..64.7 Doft thou call upon God, and haelthou no fpurrings nor ftirrings in t :e duty ? dolt thou not fpur up thy felf to pray with good life? the Lordfayes, thon dolt not call upon his name at all. As ever thou derefh to be stirred up and fpurred on to good exerciles, let thine a£ -- feetions onGod, they are.the iptirs of the foul : the foul A a 3 goes Our affe &ions fpur u; an to w'ac we affft. Metan, rn E; hie. Lud. Yiv. I ; de atti md.