Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

tgZ AT"reati/e of the AeEtions. s goes cheerfully on, when it goes with affection. The fifth motive is taken from the heartineffe of the affe- nions; and therefore the heart is many times and often in Scripture put for the affe pons. My heart, (ayes Dcborah, is towards the Governours of Ifrael, lud. 5 9, that is, mine affeftionis towards them. O ye Corinthians, our mouth is open nnto you, our heart is enlarged, z Cora 6.11. that is, our affections are enlarged. Look whatever thou af- fedeft, thy heart is fet upon it ; this motive is ftrong to perfwade, for if the affe&ions be in a manner the very heart of the foul, this may well move us to let our affections up- on God; wilt thou fettle thy heart any where elfe but on- ly upon God ? O how hainoufly does the Lord take it at thy hands, that thou haft no more heart unto him ? He gives thee his Word, and thou haft no heart to it ; he gives thee his Sabbath, and thou haft no heart to it ; he gives thee his Sacrament, and his Ordinances, and his Sanluary, and his Commandments,and thou haft no heart to them. O the Lord is fo angry with thy foul,--that.he cals thee a fool and a lot, and he repents.that ever he hath vouchfafed thefe things to fuch wretches as thou art. Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wifedom, feeing he hath no heart to it ? Prov. 17. t 6. Wherefore, (ayes God, and to What end is a price put into your hand to get Wifedous ? Ye might have gotten wifedom a long time or ere now, how to be new creatures and in Chri(t how to get grace, and peace, and mercy with God; ye have had abundance of prices put into your hands, a price of abundance of Sacra- , ments, and Sabbaths, a price of abundance of Sermons and exhortations, many mercies and favours, many threatnings and aqq nings, health, flrength, life, liberty ; ye have had a fair time to get grace and holineffe in Jefus Chrift ; prices have been put into your hands, but ye have had no heart nor affedion.to them. The Lord is exceedingly wroth with yob, he calls the fool in your face, and repents that ever he hath lent you thefe things ; wherefore is a price put into the