184 ATreatife of the A ffetiions. thou art in: if thine affeftionsbe earthly and carnal, the heart is quite hardned to Godward. Now then my bre- thren, we fee here the reafon why ye can refufe to obey, and be divorced from your fins : we fee the reafon why ye neither yeeld to God, nor his Minifters ; this is the reafon fayes God, ye are impudent, and your hearts are defperate- ly hardned. And this is the brand the holy Ghoft Pets up- on you ; when your hearts are thus hardned, he cals you plainly, wicked men and wicked women. A wicked man hardneth his face, Prov.z1.29. Is it not a pitiful! thing that a man fhould go to hell, and have no remedy to deliver him ? to be damned, and have no remedy in the world to efcape it? in fuch a cafe is thy foul, whole heart is thus hardned. He that being often reproved hardneth his heart,' (hall be deftroyed without remedy, Prov. 29.1. Haft thou not beenoften reproved? I know thy confcience can tell thee thou haft been often reproved ; haft thou not hard- ned thy heart ? I know thy confcience can witneffe that thou wouldeft not leave off thy courfes ; but haft hardned thy heart to this day, thou knoweft I'fay true ; well then, reade what a piteous condition thou art come to, there is no remedy for thee to avoid the damnation of bell : thou fhalt be deftroied without remedy, (ayes God, I confeffe there is a remedy, but he (hall be deftroyed without it The remedy that God ufes to deliver men from hell, is to re- prove them for their fins, but thou putteft off reproofs, the preaching of the Word, but thou dolt difobey it, the blond of the Lord Jefus, but thou dolt defile it, and wilt not lay down thy corruption for it, there is a remedy but thou wilt not ufe it ; no, thy heart is hardned and thou (halt be deftroyed without remedy : affure thy felf of it, for the mouth of the Lord bath ffioken it. I (peak to you who fpeak evil! of the good way, and call it all to nought ; your hearts are all hardned on this manner : when divers were hardned, (ayes the Text, and fJ'ake evil of that Way, Aft. t 9.9. They that fpeak evill of the waies of God are all hardned. O faylt thou