A Treatiíe of the Affections, I 185 _ thou, I do but fpeak against Puritans and Hypocrites, God forbid I should fpeak evil of the waies of the Lord.: God forbid, yea, God forbid indeed-; but does not thy confci -. ence witneffe thou fpeakeft evill of the waies of the Lord ? Thou knoweft the Lord commands exhorting and repro- ving one another, and thou fpeakefl evil! of it : -what bath he to do to reprove me? faylt thou. Thou knowefi God bath commanded us to walk ftrictly, and precifely, and purely, and thou fpeakeft evil) of it : what muff we be fo pure forfooth ? and fo precife, and Co aria ? Thu fpeakeft evil! of the way of the Lord, -and the Lord fayes thou art the man that.art. hardned. I fpeak to you that break -the limits of God. God hath commanded you a great while ago to repent and beleeve, andaft away the evil! of your doings. Many .daies are paff since ye were called hereto ; yefterday, and to day than art called, and thou amendeft not, thou art the man that is hardned, Again, he limits a certain day after fo long a time, as-it is faidlto day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts I7e6:0. thou haft broken this limit, and thou art not converted 'to this day, thou art the man that is hardned.- I fpeak to you who re- fufe to amend your lives : ye do not only not amend, but alfo ye refufe to amend, ye are the men: that are hardned ; they have made their facer harder then a rsck, they have re- fufed to return, /er,5.3: When men refufe to return, they have hardned their hearts like a rock, and more, too, fayes the Text. Ye have refufed, and it is nor unknown to your confciences that ye refufe, therefore ye are the then that are hardned:; ye are the men that shall be.deftroyed With- out remedy. I pray God help you ith a remedy arád;awni ken your fouls; that See- may-be ; hardned nó:3ongeuxfQrif ye be, ye shall be deffroyed without remedy. I beseech you confider your poor fouls;and_underftand,if,perhaps ye tnsy finde mercy . Schola eroj iafcfue> ordin.o homine: ;iadrNirr.3iga;fày0 intilian, the fchool 4ç nrits al! foats..offfalxolairsact DRafir uinr. fay of you, the School of Chriti admtlf tfAptV i$hX B b among