Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

186 Arreatife of theAffetions. among you. There is never a wretch among you all, but if now ye will be content to go to Chrifis fchool, ye !hall be admitted to learn, The Lord give you hearts fo to do. O then fet your affedions on God; the affections are the foft- neffe of the heart, and this is the way for to foften them. 14 14 c°oeTloe. '.ß,.eç?;a*.. 1' aa Tbe XIII I. Sermon. Col. ;. a. Setyouruffeftions on things that are above, &c. Beginning hath been made to perfwade you with t , motives that ye would fet your affe(ions on '4 God. Five motives have been noted that our Apoflle handles in this Chapter : and fix motives that the theme it felf does afford you. Give me now leave to go on in the fame point, and to help you with more, For if this point be not copious with motives, no point can be copious. All perfwafion is by moving the affections, what- ever the theme be; now when the affections themfelves be Other °. the theme, the matter of neceflity mutt be copious and a- move the bundant : other motives remain to fet your affeftions affe @ions, above. t. The firít is taken from the everlaffinrgaeffe of the of eaionr. From the Our affections are everlafting in our foul, efpecially Tome of e e etf. them, and thofethat are not, when the foul is in hell, the very want of them are a little hell to the foul, for there ons,ffeQi íhal be no joy, no delight, no hope, no comfort, no love ; and as the Stomack when it wanteth its meat, it devoureth it felt: fo thefe affections, when the Matter is wanting, they ffhall eat up, and devour up the foul. There's no matter in het!