A Treatije of the AifeEtions, hell to joy at, no matter in hell to delight in, no comfor- table matter to hope for, no amiable thing for to love, and this (hall vex the foul with weeping and gnathing of teeth : nevertheleffe, many of the affetions, whether a man go to heaven or to hell, are everlafling affections, joy and delight, and love, and all the liking affe&ions (hall be everlafting in heaven : fear, and horrour, and hatred, and grief, and defpair, and fhame (hall be everlafting in hell, there (hall be weeping and gnafhing of teeth, layes the Text, he does not fay there íhall be love or joy, mac. Now are the affections everlafling in the foul ? know this, no- thing but God can hold the foul tack, as we fay, everla- flingly. It's true, we may ailed meat for a while, and rai- ment for a while, and maintenance for a while, and houles, and wives, and husbands, and recreations for a while, till we die, but when death comes,death takes off thefe objects for ever. If thine affections were mainly let upon thefe things; when thefe are all gone, alas, where art thou then? thou art at a Joffe for ever and ever. As Zophar (ayes of the wicked, though he had the world at will while he was li- ving, yet (ayes he, he (hall perifh forever like his own dung, they which have Peen him (hall fay, Where is he ? Job. ze.7. Before, he was at his pleafures, and his profits, and his bufineffes in the world, there he was where his affecti- ons did run : but now when his pleafures are all gone, his houle, and his lands, and his markets are all gone, alas J where is he ?He is now at a loffe. Zophar knew well enough where he is when he dies, he is in hell to be damned and fomented for ever; but he expreffes it thus, to Phew that now he is at a Joffe. Set thine affections then upon grace and upon the fear of the Lord ; for though thou dielt, this cannot die with thee. It was a good anfwer of Stilpon, when he loft his countrey, and his children, and his wife, and his houfe,and Detnetriou laid to him, How now Stilpon, where art thou now ? art thou not at a Joffe now ? add nn , at a loiTe ? layes he, No, no, I have verme fill, and B b z righteoufneffe 1 '87 Stilpon Plat. .z 9w f. Sen, In Epüi