Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

188 2, From the infin;ct_ neffé of che affc¢Ai- ; ons. Ca.7.h t o Etbn. ad Níco.ro. ATreatife of the ¡gallons. righteoufneffe í}i11: fo if thou fhouldefi lofe means and maintenance, friends, flays,. hopes, health and all, thou couldefl not be at a loífe: were thine affec`lions fet upon Chrifii thou wouldefi have thy faith fä11,, thy comfort Hill, thy peaceof confcience flill, affurance of heaven (lilt. Thine affeflions are everlalting, and therefore let thine affe- elions upon fuch things as are everlafling, otherwife thou flair be at a loffe one day for ever and ever. The fecond motive is taken from the in finiteneff e of the af- fellions, the affedìons are infinite, and therefore nothing in this whole world is able to fatisfie them. He that loveth''. flyer íhall never be fatisfied with flyer, nor he that loveth abundance with encreafe, Ecclef.5.zo, give him tens, he ,would be glad with twenties, give him them, he could afford to have hundreds; give him them, he could deGr-e thoufands : when he bath thoufands, he is never the nearer, nothing fatisfies him. Give Alexander a world, he delires another. Take me a filly man, give him a Curatefhip, he delires a Vicaridge : give him that, hé delires a Parfonage : I give him that, he delires two Benefices : give him that he delires a Prebendary, an Ar ldeaconry, and then a Bifhop rick, and if he were Pope of Rome, he were not fatisfied. Take a voluptuous man, give him pleafttre to day, he de- fires more to. morrow, from Cards to the Tables, from them to Bowls, from them to buntings and hawkings, and fo on, he is never fatisfied till he dies, aavtsti.. noes .ts adp, fayes Eu/fratiru, the affeflions are infinite even as the fire : all the forrefis and all the woods, and all the fewell under heaven can never fatisfie the fire; give it faggots, it could burn logs, give it logs,it could burn whole trees : give it trees, it could burn whole houles ; give it them, it could burn the inhabitants: Nay, Solo compares the affeelions to the fire of hell, and the mouth of the grave, that can never be fatisfied. Hell and defiruetion are never full, fo the eyes of man are never fatisfied, Pro 27.20. The eye is never fatisfied with feeing, the ear is never fatisfied with hearing, úi11