Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

AT'egtife of the Affetlions. 89'. fill it delires further, what news ? Pro. 30.15. he compares them to the Horfeleech, give, give, (ayes the Horfeleech, it's ever fucking, more and more, and more, it's ever deli- ring: the affeftions are infinite, there's nothing in this world can ever fatisfie them ; did ever any meals meat fo fatisfie the ttomack; that it fhould never hunger more ? did ever fuit of ápparrell fo fatisfie the back, that it fhould ne- ver with to be cloathed more ? did ever Rent-fo farisfie the Landlord, that he fhould never delire another day to re- ceive fatisfiecthemárWhat good nothing world reafon then is there to let thine affeçtions upon God ? God is infinite,and he can fatisfie them He filleth the hungry with good things, Lu10.5 3. If the affections hunger after God, he will fill them, and fatisfie them. If thine affections be let upon God, thou (halt have all fatisfaftion : Hath a neighbour wrong - ed thee ? thou needeft not leek after revenge, Chrifl will make thee fatisfaftion. Haft thou had lofles in thy elate, and difgraces in thy name, or troubles in thy minde ? thou needeft not difquiet thy felf, Chrift will make thee fatisfa- ction. He that complains is not content, as we fay, thou needeft not complain, faying, O I have but a poor houfe to dwell in, poor diet to feed on, poor apparel to put on, poor friends to rely on : if thine affections be let upon God, look what they want, Chrift will make it up, 'he will fa- tisfie thee. My people {hall be fatisfied with goodneffe, faith the Lord. fer.31.14. thou openes'l thy hand, and fatùléfl the defire of every living thing, Pfal. 145.16. Oye poor fouls, that have. gone on in your drinkings and carowfings, and are never fatisfied, that have followed your pleafures, and your vanities, and to this hour ye are not fatisfied, what mean you to lofe your felves in the things of this life ? what mean you to befool your own fouls as ye do ? Hear what the Lord Jefus (ayes to you, Ho, every one that thirfleth, come to the Waters, and he that hath no money, come ye, buy and eat ; yea, come, buy win n3 milk,Without money, and B b without