t5.o ` ATreatije of the Affe5tions. fiorat. Boerb. Witheut price ; wherefore do ye end money for that Which ti not bread ? andyour labour for that Which fatiufeth not ? Hear- ken diligently to me, (ayes he, and eat ye that which ú good, ,end let your foul delight it felf infatneffe, Ifa.55,1,2. Ho, every one that thirfteth, come ye to the waters. What ? when ye are athirfl will ye go to broken cillerns ? they can- not hold water to fatisfie you, here be waters indeed, that Chrifts does afford you : when ye have money in your purfe to buy food, will ye buy that which is not bread ? (tones in Read of bread ? will ye fpend your ftrength and your health, and your wits, and your pains, and your fouls too upon the things of this life ? alas, they can never fatisfie you. If the fountains fhould run wine, the people would not be content, as the Proverb is. Neme feed forte content us eil, (ayes the Heathen. Had ye all the beer in the barrels, all the bread at the Bakers, all the corn upon the ground, all the wealth, and riches, and honour in the earth, they can never fatisfie you, your fouls (hall die beggars for all thefe, and go to hell notwithttanding all thefe; alas, ye buy them all at a dear rate : do ye not know what they colt Ahab ? they coil him himfelf, he fold himfelf for them. Come ye hither, (ayes Ch rift, fet your affeclions here, here is mercy for nothing, and grace for nothing, and goodneffe for nothing, and the holy Spirit for nothing : can ye deGre it at an eafier price ? though ye have not one fingle groat of any worth, not only fingle farthing or a braffe token of any righteoufneffe of your own; yet come hither, (ayes Chrift, ye may make as good a market as the belt; Come and buy without money, here ye fhall have enough for to fatisfie you. Beni efl ceei Deus obtulit, fayes Boethius : it is happy for you, can ye but fee your own happineffe, that God gives you fuch an offer as this. Here ye may have the pardon of your Pnnes, will that fatisfie you ? here ye may have deliverance from hell and condemnation, will that fa- tisfie you ? here ye may have grace againft your Gnnes, and power to fubdue them ; here ye may have the love of God, and