Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

1111111111111w A l'reatife o f the A eCtiona: and the favour of Chrift, and the communion of the Spirit, will that fatisfie you ? I will promife you here is enough to fatisfie you, be ye never fo unfatisfiable. Here ye may have every manner of thing that is good ; comfort againft all troubles, fure promifes againft all doubtings, flrength againft all weakneffes, Mayes and props under all fickneffes, affurance of Heaven and a Kingdom as foon as ever ye die, we will warrant you ye fhall be fatisfied here. Old Simeon as foon as die, fayesh ever he had e, 1,1 Lord, ow I have enough Lord, I care for no more in the whole world now, Lord, now lettefl thou thy Lurs.iS. fervant depart in peace : I am well fatisfied now I have Chrift. O then fet your affeltions upon God and his Chrifl, and this will then fatisfie you : your affeftions are infinite, and nothing can give them fatisfaltion but God that is in- finite. The third motive is taken from thecloyedneirof the affelli- From the off : as the affeéions are infinite and can never be fatisfied From ne(s with the things of this life, fo they are foon cloyed ,with of the at. any of thefe. things : fometimes affelting, fometimes difaf- to boos. felting. Nothing can give a mans affections full content but only their God. If thou doff not fet thine affeftions upon God, thine affeéions can never have content : the things of this life were never made for our affeéions to be fet on things o f r this life, they could never be to cloyed them. Is the fire ever cloyed with burning? Is a (lone ever cloyed with lying on the ground ? Is the Snn ever cloyed with fhining ? no, it is made for this end thou wert never made to eat and to drink, for thy flomack will be cloyed with meat, and cloyed with drinks : the fweetefl meats under heaven, ifye burden your flomack therewith, they will cloy it : thou wert never made to hunt and to bowl, to dice, and to card, becaufe thou mayfl be cloied with plea-. fure; thine affeftions are fubje l to a cloy, if they be fet upon the things of this life they are monflers and devils incarnate, ils lo'