A Treatie of tbe Affeetions. I 193 when he is weary. They ferved God amifle when they laid, behold, What a wearine fe is it : Mal. r .13. If they hd gone a right way to work, they had never been weary nor cloy- ed with ferving of God. But ye brethren, be not Weary With Well- doing, 2 Thee 3. t 3. that is, fer your affeétions aright upon, and fo be never weary with it : the affections will never be cloyed when they are truly fet upon God : the flefh will be weary, but the fpirit cannot be weary. God gives the foul full abfolute content; the foul is at reft when it is fee upon God. As the (tone is never cloyed with lying on the ground, becaufe there is its reft, fo God is the reft of the foul. The greateft glutton in the world will come at laft to fay, I have eaten too much; the greateft drun- kard, I have drunken too much ; the greateft fpend- thrift, I have fpent away too much ; his affections are cloyed but fet thine affections upon God, thou canft never come to too much, never be godly too much, never be heavenly too much, never be in Gods favour too much, never in Chrift too much, thy fpirit can never be cloyed: too much of one thing is good for nothing, fay people, it is not need - full to be too much pure and too much precife, leffe would ferve the turn : whofoever thou art that canit fay or think fo, it is lure thou never kneweft the meaning of grace, O fay they, does not Solomon fay, a man may be too much irsl?, Be not righteous overmuch, neither make thy felf overwife : for why thouldeft thou deftroy thy felt ?Ecc.7. i 6. Is it not enough to be weary of goodnefle,but ye muff mifconftrue and blafpheme the Word of God too ? This is the meaning ofSolomon.Solomon never laid fo himfelf,but he brings in thy filthy blafphemous mouth thus laying, Tufh, be not thou righteous overmuch, why thouldfl thou deftroy thy (elf? why thouldft thou be fo precife, to be called a Puritan, to be hated and reviled, to deftroy thine own credit, and thy pleafure, and thy liberty ? Indeed as it follows, we would not have thee overmuch wicked, &c. ver 17. A little plea- fure will do well, a little vanity, a little liberty, a little re- C' c venge, !n connibus rebus ma- gic oferdit i:nium quarr pa- rum. Cic.