194 1 ATreatife of the AffeEtions. venge, a little gaineffe of apparrell, a little mirth at the pot will doe well ; but be not wicked overmuch. I fay, thefe are thy hellifh fpeeches, and none of Solomon. Solomon does but bring thee in fpeaking, as the Prophet 7/ay does fuch as thou, Let us eat and drink for to morrow we fhall die. O beloved, if ye would fet your affeâions on God, your affections could never be cloyed. The fourth motive is taken from the precioufnefe of the aficeliian.r : the affeaions are the precious .motions of the heart, the heart counts that precious which moll it affefts. Nowwhat a fhame is this, to let thine affèElions then upon the things of this life ? thou haft a bale heart to do fo. Haft thou a Kingdom to let thine affections upon ? Haft thou a God, and a Chrifl, and a Crown for ever and ever, all glo- ry and honour to let thine affellions upon ? and wilt thou let thine affellions ¡upon drofle and dung, andfuch bale things as chele ? doff thou not know that all thy vanities and thy pleafures are bate in comparifon of Chrilt ? all thy fllks and thy fattins, all thy gentility and thy pomp in the world, are vile in comparifon of grace and of glory ? Doft thou not know how God fcorns all thefe things in compa- rifon of the excellency of his grace and favour ? thou haft a very bate and a vile heart, if thou wilt-fet thine affeaions upon thefe things. So every wicked man is called a vile per - fon, Pfal.i v.4. The vile perfon will (peak villany, lfa.3 a.6. Great Nineveh, the Prophet cals it vile, Nah.r.14. The vi- le!' men are exalted, Pfa. t z. 8. If we fhould fee a Lords Con' keep company with them that are meaner then is fitting, will ye not fay he is bate ? If we fhotsld lee how Sadarna- palou a King, would fit fpintiing and wheeling with the Maids; and Damitianthe Emperour fit catching of flies, and hanging them up, would ye not fay they are bafe ? they do things unworthytheùrfelves ; themfelves fhould be No- ble ands nQncabfie;, and Roya11, and yet fbouldfo:;vilifiè and deh fe.their own felves on this fafhiorì. What, a Cbri Dias be :gaming, and hoyting, that might have joys unfpea- kable 4. From the prectauf, nclíe,of the effe. "âions.