Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A Treatife of the Afetl ions, kable and glorious ? -a Chriftian going to Alehoufes, or o- other bate places, that might go into the Courts of the Al- mighty ? a Chriftian complain of the frown of a man,whofe breath is in his noftrils, that might have the favour of Hea- ven ? a Chriftian angry at a trifle ? a Chriftian not able to endure the lo% of a little earthly filver, that might have all the riches of glory ? what a bate man is he? what bafe- neffe is this in thee ? Ah, thou thinkeft bafely ofGod, and bafely of Chri(t, and bafely of grace, and bafely of the Kingdom of Heaven, that fetteft thine affe&ions more on the dirty and beggerly things of this life, then on him. The Proverb of a fool is, He is penny -wife and pound - foolifh : So thou art penny -wife and pound- foolifh : wife for the things of this world, and foolifh to the things of God. The belt things of the earth compare them to grace, ire no bet- ter then a penny to a pound : *hat a ftrange thing is this that we thould be thus bafely foolifh ? not affea a Sermon more then a Play ; not affea the grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift more then an earthly bargain. There is a homely Laying, but it is a moft true one. A Fool will not give his bawble for the Tower of London: his affe6tions are more on his Hat and his Feather, then on any thing elfe, oláaurs41íH, He iS very ferions about ridiculous things, Fie for fhame brethren, let us not be fo prophanely con ceited of grace, fo bafely minded as to Let our affections here below, when we are called to fet them on God. The fifth motive is taken from the inftability of our affe- Jions : if our atfei'rions be Let upon the things of this life, they mutt be fain to repent of it at lalt, whatever come of it : whether we be faved or damned, it is certain we thall repent of it : if ever thou go to Heaven, God will make thee repent that ever thou haft been fo vain, fo carnal!, fo voluptuous, fo proud, God will make thy heart ake for it. I abhor my felf, fayes Job, and repent in duff and afhes, yob 4z.6. O Icould even fpit in mine own face, I could even be content to gnath my teeth at mine own foul, that ever I C c z finned '95 s From the inftabiiity of the of. Teem os.