t 6 A Treatife of the Afeelions. finned thus and thus, now I repent it in dull and afhes, O that I had never done Co; were it to do again, I would ne- ver do it for a thoufand worlds : thus if thou go to heaven thou wilt be fain to repent it. And if thou go to hell, thine own horrour and thine intollerable torments and plagues will force thee to repent it too, that ever thou hall let thine affe ` rions on earth ; then thou wilt curie thine own felf, and ban thine own thoughts, and fret and (lamp at thine own tuadneffe, that thou fhouldeft let thine affeftions upon the things of the world, when thou mightefl have had a Saviour, and a God, if thou had' been wife and wouldeft have been ruled. Alagni emitur ponitentia, alas, inch re- pentance cofteth thee dear When it bath coil thee thy foul and brought thee to hell, and utterly undone thee for per, then thou lcarneft how to repent.. When Dives was in hell, then he repented that ever he was fo hard - hearted to Lazarus: Send Lazarus, &c. O he would now ask him forgiveneffe ; fend filch a poor wretch now, I will make him reflitution. Lord fend now thy commandments, and now we will obey them ; Lord, now fend thy Minifters unto us, and we will hear them ; fend us one Sermon more and now we will_do it. As lure as God is in Heaven, yóu will repent it another day, that ever you let your affec`lions thus on the things of this life. Beloved, were it not better by ods, notto fet your affeftions thus at all, then when ye have done it, repent it, when all comes to all ? No admi- feris cuisis poftea paniteat. Donot commit that if ye be wife, which ye mull repent when yehave done it. This very Ser- mon, if ye will not hearken now to obey it, I fay this very Sermon your confciences will be Cure to vex you withal] Such a Sermon I heard, and there I had a warning, then I was told of this vengeance I endure, but I would not linen. Q woe is me and my rebellion, that I did not. I befeech you confider it, fet yoùr affe lions otherwife then ye doe, let them gracioufly on God, or elfe ye will be forced to re- pent for ever. The