Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A rreatife of the Affeétions. 197 The fixth motive is taken from the ;ealoasfie of the of eEfi- Feom.:hé ont : Beloved, when a Husband fufpet s his wives affect i- Pr oou h ons are not to him,- there is-an affeftion of jealoufie arifes ;,t the aE- in his heart to revenge it : a man cannot abide that his wife feaions. should give her affedions to another. So beloved, God is a jealous God, when he fees he cannot have thy affeftions to him: he bath made thee his creature , he hath hired thee for his fervant, nay he efpoufed thy foul as a wife and a Spoufe to his own Son ; and if he may fufpeft that thy affeftions are otherwife fet, he will be jealous againft thee. This will be the grievoufeft revenge of all revenges that are poflible. No revenge like the revenge for the turning ones affeftions awry. Let a man be wronged though never fo much, nothing but anger and choler does arife to re- venge I` it ; but if he fufped the want of affeftion in his own wife, then it is not an anger alone that arifes to revenge it, but a jealoufie. Doft thou not know what jealoufie is ? I tell you, it is the revengefillefl paillon that ever arofe in the breall. jealoufie is the rage of a man, therefore he will not fpare in the day of vengeance; he will regard no ran - fome, neither will he refl content, though thou givefl ma- ny gifts, Pro,6.34,35 We have a good Proverb, From jea- loufie the good Lord deliver us, " Oppia, The heart of jealoufie is wilde and all favage. A man is not only angry, but directly in a rage, that is jealous, So God expreffes himfelf by a fury and a rage, laying, my fu- ry shall break out againft them, and I will not pity them. When thine affeftions go a whoring from God, he will be revenged on thee deeply ; he will take no ranfome ; no ranfome by Chrifl,no ranfome in the world : couldeft thou give him a whole world for the fin of thy foul, he will not accept it. What (ayes the Husband when he is jealous, what haft thou defiled my bed and played the whore ? and fo forth. Iwill make you an example : he eats himfelfup,. till he is revenged : he will mark every caft of her eye, e- very geflure of her body, every tread of her foot,. every g 3