tab 7. From the tyranny of the al- feeti DUS; ATreatife of the *Ilion se thing now fhall'be matter of fufpicion : the (hall not fpeak to any man in the fireet, but he will fufpelt it is wanton - neffe. She (hall not be able to go one fiep out of doors, but he will fufpeét it is to her bate lovers, So if we fet our affections wrong upon other things befides God, God will never put it up at our hands. He will then be extream to mark whatfoever is amiffe; not one idle word, but-he will be precife to obferve it; not one vain thought, but he will be curious to note it; not one foolifh fafhion, but he will fet it down in his note-book, he will then be extream with thee. Ye have read and heard the Ten Commandments of- ten and often. Ye know what is laid in the fecond Cotn- mandment, Thou fhalt not do thus and thus, For Ithe Lord thy Godam a iealoua God, and vifit the fins of the fathers upon the children. If thou fet up thefe Idols in thy heart, to af- fet4 the things of this life, take heed of this jealoufìe, I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, &c. He will vifit not on- ly thy fins upon thee, but he will look what thy father hath done, and thy grandfather bath done, and thy great grand- father bath done, If any of them have been drunkards, he will vifit it on thee : if any of them have been fwearers and worldlings, ánd wicked, he will vifit it on thee. From his jealoufie the good Lord deliver us. The feventh motive is taken from the tyranny of our afe- Fhons if they be not fet right. If our affeffions be not fet up- on God, they are the forefi Tyrants that can be to tyran- o7,a nize over us. Philo compares thetytanny of our affe lions di' gm ;II to the four hundred years bondage of the Ifraelites in LE- vs9 r1 gypt. Ye remember what wofull and flavifh bondage they tK'e,kr were put to in /Egypt, infomuch that they groaned under h it, and cryed out unto God. Pharaoh played the Tyger -like gw Z: Tyrant over them, and made them weary of their lives : fo ukrs. do the affeCtions tyrannize over a man that is carnall and earthly, they do, fo befot him, and befool :him, that he ' knows not how t come out of his fins ; they do fo harden him and obdurate him, that no preaching nor counfel l can convert