Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

The Contents. Msni/¢ers. 65' T. Not a civtlllife. SS 4. ro exhort Minilizerr to take heed 2. Not the profef on of Religion. ib. unto themrelves,and to theChurch 3. Not every kind of repentance. 89 committed to their charge. ib. 4.' Not every kind of Faith neither. Faure wayes for .tliniflers to quicken ibid. their people. 66 Sirnes of the Spirit are 5. To fh:°w what great danger Mt- i. To be foundly convinced of fins.S 9 ni/lers are in. 67 2 . To be foundly pricked forIns. il.-.. 6. People fhould be forward to heare 3. Te have an unfatisfrable Afire the Word of life. ibid. of reconciliation with God. ib. IJ, The Subfcription, 'containing a 4. When a man is e new creature. 90 Defeription of the Lord 3efee 5. When a man doer fupereaturell Chrj/l: good things. ib. .27,e Delcriptien fete forth two Roy- &. What may Chrrf fay to there that altier of our Lord 3efus Chrrfl. have no care to come unto him. 91 i, That he bath the ¡even Spirits of 2. Royalty And the feven Stars. frpd, Where by the ¡even Spirits it Miniiers called Stars for four Rea - rreases the Holy Gha/i. 681 fens. '' 92 This prove: 7o,rhy f vtn Stars. ib. Why the Holy Ghoff is here called the DofYr. Every pari h fhould have a ¡even Spirits. E9 peculiar faithful! Minifier. 93 'Mar. Chrift end), bath the Holy Fou re i?eafons of the Doîtrib :. Spirit togive.to whom he pleafes. Life I. To Phew the mifery of a land 71 darbned that hait beet afew Start. Three Reafons hereof. 72 95' We r: If Chrifi bath the feven Spi-, 12. Hew are we ro bleffe God that we rots of God, then what bath bee have cur Starres ¡honing among ff not. 95 no. ib. s; Then weurewith,ut exctofe if we 3. Let ut take heed le/I chofe few .le without the Holy Spirit of Stars that yet be, fer upon M. 96 God. 76 Six Pignes of all the Stars vani/bing !Very needful! it is that wee (Irould ainay. have the Holy Spirit. 8o t, when people will not walk in the RFoure ways to obtain, it. 81 light wiozie they bave it. 96 3. To teach thole et at want the Spi- 1., . When people grow deader and dea- rit whereto have ftopply. 85 : dor,forfa ing theirlxff love. 97 our taken for figues of the Spirit, 3. When people.wdá; gtdn'y of Gods and are.not.. -Ordinances. gib. 1. When