Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

The Contents. e}. Wheu there are hardly any fans of our Mini fiery, 212 Feace, thattbs Min Tiers Peace,4. To thew how ill the Lord tales it mar light upon. 981 that his Minißersfhould be vili- 5. When proplc oppofe and m fiefe the pended. 8 1 drJngersof it. 99 5. Then they muß preach no mercy 6. tt'hon God hat& font all the Al,- at all to fuch as wilfully fiend out niflers he meaner to fend. ib. againil Cl riß 3e fees. 216 Realm 3 why God will take away all 6. Of comfort to thole that feare his Stars when matters are come to God, and believe, in his Embaffít- this pate. zoo dors. 218 That bath the 7ß6r r. 3. He hash the gifting of them, 220 Chriff is /aid to have the 7 flare in Minißers of all men have need of five refpepls, rare gifts and abilities. i. They have their mifßon from him. t,. To open the Scriptures, ib. I01 2. To teach. 22h U fe i. For comfort to true Mini- 3. To convince. 222 ßers. 102 4, To move the afe&ions, 223 2. They muff doe his Mefrage. 103 5. To fpeake pro re nata. ib. 3. They muß give him account when 6. Toobferve feafous. 224 they have done. ibid. Life I. AMintier had not need be 4. To _thew Chrijis great mercy in a foale, 226 fending to us. 104 2. [hey are not Chrigs Minigers 2. He bath the giving of them their' that are not fuffzcientlygifted, ib. Cemmiffian. 207 3.TheynrnßgotoChrig forgifes,227 This Comm ffonbath two things. 4 They fhould flirre up thole gifts i. The heads of their Embaffage he gives them. 228 they are fent to treat of, which are 5. 7heq mug rely on C rig, ib. five. 207 6. To teach people to pray for .heir 2. The authority they are unveiled Mtnrflers. with. 208 Meaner to inlarge the Minifters Have !k?inigers fuck a Commiffion hearts and g fftsto hie people. ,.229 from Chriß. Vie hath the pro fpering of tkem.13 t Ufe i. Then they are the greatefl Reàfons .hereof Embaffadors that ever were or can i. Becaufe Minißere are nothing in be. 209 the work; 233 2. Then let them learn how to behave 2. The couver feu of fouls is aft/per- themfelvesintheir funítion. zio natural!worte. . 234 3. To condemn thole that obey not Ufe z. Minigers can hit make a 2 triall