Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

The Contents, trial! whether they can convert the 6. Or how can the people have code- people or ne. 235 fort living under fach amens Mi- l. They muff wait though they have nifry not fo placed, ib. not prefontfeecceffe. ibid. Ufe L.inifters(houlellook they be 3. Tocondemnethe world that let s of Chrsfhs placing. 148 not Mini fens have fucceffe. 23 2. It condemnes Intruders. 148 Doer. To a true Adinifter of Chrift, 3. People fheuld then take heed how Chriftgives goodfueceffe. t38I they carry themfelves under the Ufe 1. Ts enquire what may bee Miniftery. 149 the reafon that Chrifts A2inifters4. Never complain of gracelef e havefo little fucceffe. 139'. Minrr tern. ib. Six Reafanshereof ib.The reafon why there are no more Carnal{ Miniflers may fametimes. able Minifters. ib. have good fucceffe,proved. 141!5. To (hew us whither to goo for 2. Let us feek, to Chrift to give us, good Minifters. 15t fucceffe. 143 Chrift kath the continuing of them. 3. If wee have not the fucceffe wet ibid. ceuldwifh, let us not be difcoura- Two Reafont hereof 152 ged. ib.'Ufe i. That (.2dinifters fhonld not 4. That people Paid not deprive fear to be deprived ofthetrliberty their Minifters (by wilfully flan- if they doe well. i53 ding out) of good ftecceffe. 1442. 7 o Phew us the reafon why the Go- d. He hath the difpeftng of them.ib. fpetl continues any where,feeing the In that he barb the placing of them 145 Reafons hereof. 1. Becaufe none is a Pallor that en- troth not in at the doore. it). 2. None can be placed in a Parifh,but by the Bifhop of the Diecep, Chrift. 1+6 world cannot abode it. 154 3. What wee muff doe to have good Miniftert continued. ib. He kath the removing of them, and how. 156 Reafont why he removes them. 157 Cfe t. wee ought to mourne before him i f our Minifters be taken a- 3. He pays them their wages, there- way by any means. 1.58 fore meet that he fhould fee them 2. Look to the meritoriotu canfe,oun on worse. ibid. finnes, ib. 4. If net placed by him, how can a- 3. If Chrift takes away our rry look for his affiance. 147' fiers let it move as t e repent i fo How elfe can fuch have peace of III. The fubje1t matter of this E- Confcience on their death beds. ib. piffle. Where