Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

The Contents. YYhtrein kedneffes fhotdd he feene of any A Reprehexfiox, whom we know cannot abide them. i. Ingsnerall. 163 178 Do&r. 1. The Lord knowes ever) Life i. They that this point cannot mans ill coarfes. 164 worken art graceleffe. 179 Reafuns hereof. 166 2. Is this fue.5 a powerful! wearies to workan our he.trtr, then let its not To confute t ho fe who fay God does not know fine. 169 harden them. lb. 2. To condemns thole that doe not 2. In particular. confider o f this truth. 172 A name tolive what. 18n 3. For terror to all that gee on with Doftr. An horrible thing to refl a felf condemning heart. 173 in a meere name f being Reltgi- 4. Of comfort to good people, for if otas. 782 he fees all mens fns, then all mens The Reafons of the Doi/rine. Foodneffe much rat her. ib. 7. This is tobefarthefl of f-cm P.a 5, Tkis fhouldmake us afraid at a- ligion. i(.. ny time, or in any place to commit 2. It is a very blafphemy. 183 finne. 175 3. It is a fat Lie. if . Do'tr. 2. The knowing that God tit. It is an unreafonable thing. 184 knowes all our work{ is the power ìs. 1: is an impudent thing. 185 full meanes to quicken Gods E-16. It is an inexcufable thing. 1%6 left, and make them take heed o f\ Why. i{ , all finite. 176 7. It is anunprofitable thing. 1S8 Reafons hereof. 8. It is alfo hurtful!, andtowhom.t88 t. Becauf the Lords knowing our the i. To [hew the mifery of the workes is not a racer knowing 6ut Church of Rome , which hash alfo a rim king and pondering of one /yaName to live. 790 them. tb. And for Reproefe of our omrteChur- 3. When God fees our fns tt is with ches and Congregations. 191 apure eye. 177 1. Of Terror aping us. 192 3. When hee fees them hee records 3. To Humble as. 394 them, that he may not forget them. What is meant by Dead: 195 ibid. What is meant by Thou. 197 4. When God fees them ibis a9 one It bath a double Relation. at if the whole world fbould fee Firfl to the Miniffer. them. ib. Whence this Becaufe our diffrofition is fuck i Doti. A dead Miniflry as good that wee cannot endure our wk.- as none at all. 197 The-