Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

go, The Reafoas. 1 dwelling in his heart by faith. 217 1. Bacaafe true preaching is lively 3. r4' Dead Chriflian was never preaching. 198 yet foundly wrought upon by the a The Scripture cetlleth a dead Mt -I Word. ib. niflery,no iWrntiry. ib.. Ufe 1. If Dead Chriflians bee as 3. It doth little or no good. 199 4. God feldom goes along with it,ib. N. It profanes the Word of Gad. 200 Ufe I. To let us fee the reefon why a dead Mrniflery is applauded in the world. ib 2 To reproove i14iniflers for not be ing mare lively in their Miniflery. T'he Contents. good at none, what are theft that. are not fo mach as Chriflians in name. 218 2. For reproofe of the Deadneffe that is now among zu. 2a0 3. How dangerous it is to le a Dead - hearted Ghriflian. 222 For 1. All we doe with a Dead heart 201 is as good as nothing. ib. 3.. Of Exhortation, to labour for a 2. It does not pleafe God. 223 quickning Mire fiery. 203 3. It cannot yecld us any true corn- Six Motives thereu".t°. ib. fart. 225 4. To Phew what a lively Miniflery 4. Though it comfort us in time of is, and how we may have it to bee Fropperity, it carnet in Adverli- quickning. . 206 ty. 227 Secondly, Thou bath relation to the 5. We can never blef God with a Church it felf ,whence I dead heart. 228 2. Doti. A Dead Chriflian as good 6. Religion is irksome unto us as as none at all. 209 long as we are Dead hearted. ib. By Deadne ]'e five things n.3rant. 7. If a Dead heart take it rep, it will I. Deadneffe of guilt. .. 209 pone be weary of it. 230 2. Deadneffe of neiude. 210 What it is to be a living Chriflian, 3. Deadneff of'heart. ib. dfcribed.by 4. Deadneffe of conscience. ìb. 1. The Efficient caufe, Gad. 232 5. De.tdneffeof age tlion. 211 2. TheInflrumentall,Faith. 233 The former Dot-trine proved. z 11 3. The Parts of it. No Grace is without Life. ib. 1. Jnfliftcation. 234 .411 duties of Religion mufibedone 2 SanEttfication. ib. with life. 214 3. Jorrnd Comfort. ib. Reafons why a dead ChrifiannonelWhat it it to be alive to God. 235 at all. ¡Here we are to confider, 1. Becaufe this is ad one as to have 1. What is the life of the minde.236 . no grace at al, 216 Knowledge not the life of the minde. a. A Dead Chriflieinhatb notChrifll 337 JJ Appro-