Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

The Contents. Approving cf the Truth not thati:2. The combating of the heart. ib. fe L. 2 3SI 3 7hetn.jeavousity of theheart ,ib. T hmnh`ng of God and the Word notl4. The blooding of rt by Determina- it. 2 ; 91 tiens and purpofes. ib. St udyingnot it Siz erring .erelstin the mind ofmen,' 5 heart:4roanrng and ohi r of it ¡hewing whether the monde be a. 3, what is the life of canfcience.263 live to God or no. 240 I . A Confcience fömewhat awakened I, Applcatton. 241 may like of God and allhiswayes. 2. The Meditating of the mind.242 ibid. 3. The Confid:r:ngofthe mind.243 2. It may oblige a man to allma.nner 4. The Remembringof the mind.zt5 ofgeodthai rr, 264 5. The Inventings of the heart. 246 3. It may be troubled aboet.t his fins. 6. The judging of the mend. 247 265 2. What is the L,fe'of rise Heart 4. It may urge one togo`d thing!.266 Every 4G of the Heart not an Ar -(5._ It may be very eager in urging. gument of the l.fe of it. 2, 267 Not the out fide dis 61'114 heart. ib. 6' Lraaray prev,>il very by its Not the flitting ¿li of che hoare.2491 gerneffe. 268 Not her would ngs. 250 7. it may make one look's! God fo far Thefe deceive many, why. ib as it provides. a69 When willing is an argument of 1. fe Yet thefe cannot be the life of confct- in the heart. 252 ence. What the life of the heart is. 25 3 1. Becaufe they may bee in naturali men. 270 2. The Confcience notwithflanding aathef may be deader than ever it was, il- 3. Confcience notwith/handing all thefe is loon pleafed. 271 The fame proved. 254 The living ails of the heart , which f converted to God, our hearts are alive towards him i. The Inclination of the heart.256 2. The Intentions of the heart. 257 3. The Eleiitions of the heart. 258 4. 7 he Confcience that 'bath but 4. The Averfiónsof the heart. ib.I theft furring: will many times' 5. The favourings of the heart. 2591 be a helpe to ones hefts. ib. 6. The cares of the heart. 26e 5'. This confcieiice is not einiverfall,it 7. The Appropriating of the heart.' culls out onely f me particular fins. ibid,' 272.. Five other ails of life in the heart Two loves of Confcience in a godly towards God. 2611 man. 273 I. The preparing of the heart. 2621What the life of Confcience is. 275 - The