Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

The Contents. The lively alts of Confcience about ;tine. 276 The effeas thereof. 279 The livingneffe of Confcience in re- gard of good. 2 8 t The effeas thereof. a83 When the Confcience u alive about both, viz. Sinne and codneffe.284 Of an Humbled Confcience. 284 Arguments of a live Confcience. 287 Ufe To [hew us how few have live Confciences. 289 4. What is the life of the (Memory, where if fhew'd L" What Memory is. 290 2. What a great ble /rag it is that we have a Memory. 293 And that for 8 Reafons. 294 3. When the Memory may be fail to be alive. 299 4. This proved by three Arguments. 3O1 U(e t. if this be the only lively Me- mory to be apt to remember God, then let us labour to get this apt. neffe, 303 I. Becaufe without this Memory ail other Memories are nothing. ib. 2, Without this thy heart can never retain Gods Commandements. 304 3. The want of this the carafe of all finne. ibid. 4. The want of this is the high -way to deflruúion. ib. 2. To (hew how wee may get a live memory. ib. There be feven carafes of it. ib. CURISTS