C x R i s T's .Alarm Then Cecondly,here's a remedy annexed : for he does not reprove them out of any ill will, but tor their good, and Co he preferi`es them a remedy, and the remedy is twofold. The fit-it is,To flrengthen the things that remain, that are ready to dye, q.el. as many of you as are not quite and cleane dead, itirre up your 'elves, quicken up your hearts: and this is amplified by (hewing how they lhould doe thus: O, be warchfull, fayes he.q,d. that is the reafon why ye laaguifh in this falhion,and ye will languilh more and more becaufe ye ace not watchful' : therefore Be wat ain't : and alto by rendring a motive to preffe this re- medy ; For I have rot j -fund th¡f works perfect before God; that is, thou art hardly fìncere a jot, thou art full of hypo - criGe,and rottenneffe,and formality,and thou wilt lofe all thy labour if thou dolt not look well about thee:rherefore i (hake op thy felts, and ftrengthen the things that remain. This is the firft remedy. The fecond remedy is,fo repent, and this is amplified by (hewing how,and that is two wayes : Firit, Remember how thou haft received and he..rel ; that is, confider how flíök haft been tataght, and bewails thy declinings : for thou art horribly departed from what thou halt learned in the Miniftery of the word. Second ly,Rold fajt,that is,fo bewails thy warpings,and wanings, and degeneratings, that thou maylt get up againe, hold thee fait there when thou art up. Now kit they fhotild neglect the ding, of this remedy, the Lord jefus lharpena his fpeech with a threatning, telling them the danger;if they will not be awakened: if therfore thou (halt not watch, I will come on thee as a thiefe, and thou (bait not know what home 1 will come upon thee. This is the fecond part of the matter of this Epìltle, the Re- medy. Thirdly, another part of the matter of this Epiílle is, a commendation of tome particular perfons in the Church, that were not ¢*meal away ita the-deadnelfe of the times, and thefe-he does praife very much, and he gives