to drovfie SAINTS. gives them an excellent protnife ; the praire is in thefe words: Thou h4(t a few names ev. n to Sark: c,which have not defiled their garments ; that is, there be fome among you,thosgh they be but a few, that have not been fatted and foyled with others.bad examples ; though others be dead,yet they are not deadtoo for company: and then the promife is to them in thefe words;7hey (hall wallt,wttb me in rehire ;that is,I will give them the grace of repentance, and I will keep them unfpoted unto my heavenly King- dome and glory. And he adder a realon in thefe words : For they are worthy, not as though they did merit repen- tance and glory; no, but they are worthy in Chrift, and thrift hath made them meet to be made partakers of this mercy. Thus you fee the matter of the Epiftle. The fourth and lait thing is the conflation of the Epi ftle;and that is in the fifth and fifth verles, He that over- comet h (hall be cloathed in white feaiment, &c. In which words we have the conflation of the Epille, and it con - filts of two parts : Firft, a promife to every one that overcometh, He, that overcomes, &c. Secondly, a precept to command every gracious Saint to attend to there things. The promife : Firlt, it is to be confidered to whom it is made ; it is made to him that overcometh; that is,ye know there is to be a holy warre agaiuft ah manner offin,and alltempasti- ons,and all the policies of Satan and all the alluringbaits of the world, and all the inclinations of the flefh. Now he that overcomes all thefe , which is no other that is borne ofGod,who alone is able to overcome, He that .overcomes,this s the party to whom it is promifed. Secondly, what it is that is promifed. Here be three things that are promifed to him that overcomes : Fitft, White raiment; He !ha be clothe l in white raiment; that is, he fhatl be perferred to everlafting blefledneffe, and he 4}tall walke in triumph in a conquerours robe. Secondly , a peruxanant and laiting name in the BQoke of life, I will B 3 not 5