CHRIST'S ,Alarm not put out his name out ofthe Book of life, that is, there be many hundreds that are written in the book of life in the judgment of men, and in the hope of men; but in the end the Lord blots them out , he makes it appeare, that their names are not there : But this man (hall never be blotted out thence. As he hopes his name is enrolled there,fò it {hall for a certain appeare to be enrolled there, and it (hall never be croffed out. Thirdly , Chrills con - felling of that mans name before his Father and his holy Angels: And I will confeffe hod name before my Father and his hold Angels ; that is , I will acknowledge him to he mine. Thus you fee the firfl thing, the promife which is made to him that overcomes. The feçond part of the conclulion is a precept to com- mand every gracious Saint to attend to thefe things, and that is in the lixth verfe; He that hath an care to heare,let him heart what the f jsirit faith unto the Churches. Oft hefe in their order, and firfl of the Infcription. And to the Angell of the Church of Sardis, write. By the Angell he means not the Angels of Heaven, no nor the Angels of the bottomleffe pit: he does not mean the Angels of heaven , becaufe they are pettedly holy , they have no finne in them. Now the Lord Joins fpeaks of filch an Angell here as hath much finned ; for he re- proves him exceedingly. Neither does he mean any An- gel of the bottomleffe pit,becaufe they are perfectly evill, they have no fpirituall goodneffe at all in-them. Now the Some crag- Lord Jefus fpeaks of fuch an Angell here, whom though {late it fo too, he reproves for many things amiffe,yet he commends him which have re_ too for tome gracious things ; and therefore he can be ceíved the Lave no Angell of the bottomleffe pit. It romaines then, that a by the di(pofiri_ Meta horicall Angell is here underfiood , and that is the on of Angels, p g and have not Miniaer of the Church. Now as the Angels are called krpt it, Alta. ' Miniflors, Bleffeye the Lord all ye his Hoff:, ye Ifriiniflers s ;. And fns that do his pleafure,Pfa.io3.2 r. So the Miniflersare cal. Cor.zr,ro Ee led Angels, An Angell of the Lord came upfront Gilgal cattle of the awls to Bochim, &c, lud.t.a. that is, a Minifler, Phi nohas or Tome