Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to droiVfe SAINTS. Come Prophet or other, as it teems, carne and preached unto the people. The point is this, That Minrfiers are to be Angels, as it were. They are Angels in fame feule. I. Angels are Spirits, ye know they are fpirituall fub- fiances, as the Pfalmift (peaks : He mal¿eth his Angels jpirits,Pfa.to4.4. they are fpirituall creatures, their com- munion is fpirituall, their food is fpirituall, their delights are fpirituall,their affe &ions and minds are fpirituall : to a Mintier though he be a Body as well as his pcople.yet he Should be a fpirituall man. 1 confeffe every true Chrifti- an is fpirituail,as the Apoflle fays:Ifany man be overtaken in a faulr,ye that arefpirituall,rellore finch a man in the JJi- rit ofineeknes,Gal.6. he fpeaks to every true Chriflian,he is a fpirituall man: But a Minifler Should more efpecially be fpirituall ; nay, our own Titles will rile up in judge- ment againft us , if we be not fpirituall. Doe not we call our felves the fpiritualty, as though the people were car - nall in comparifon of us ? Now if we i ouldbe more carnali then they , out of our own mouths the Lord will condemne us. The truth is, many of us may be called fpi- rituall men,if we will: but we are mad fpirituall men, as the Prophet Hefea fpeaks,The#ir:tuall man is mad,Hof.. 9.7.Mad fpirituall men indeed,when we are nothing idle then what we profefle our felves to be,when we are fpi- rituall men in a mockery : yee know what a mock is brought up upon this name;people cal a fpirituall Pig,that !, is, the pooreft of all the ten , that hash no fubtlance in it that is given to the Minitier : fo many of us are fpirituall in a mockery, having no realm why. we Should be fo tearmed,but onely becaufe there is no fubffance in us, no goodneffe,no holinef a at all in us; whereas we Should ex- ceed others in it. We Should be fpirituail in a Special man - ner,.we Should be like anima feparatx, like Spirits feque- fired from bodily things,taken up with fpirituall affaires, holding forth the fruits of the fpirit; we Should be as An- gels in our Parithes , labouring. to draw people from all their Obferv. I.