C H i 1 s T's Alarm their carnali courfes,endeávouring tobreed in them a fa. vour and a reliíh of all the things of the fpirit of God : our Sermons fhould not be only morali, but fpirituall; our carriage fhould be a fpirituall walking ; where we come,our dilcourfe fhould be fpirituall,we fhould belike a company offpirits,for fo the Apoftle calls us,try thepi- rits whether they be of Clod, rloh,4.r.that is, try your Mi Hitters whether they be of God,yea or no; whether their doarine be the doEtrine of life , that will make the foule live : whether their converfation be after the fpirit, left ye follow a falle guide : whether their Miniftery be the Miniftery of the fpirit. If any man think himfelfe to be a Prophet, or #trituail, r Car.14.37. We cannot think our £elves Prophets,except we be fpirituall men. When our courfes are carnali, we finne againft our callings : for we are to be as Angels by our places in this fenfe,left our own profeflion hit us in the teeth at the laft. Secondly, tire Angels are creatures of another world, not of this world, though they walk up and downe on Gods errands here, yet they are creatures of another world; and therefore they are called the Angels of Rea - ven, Mat. 2 4 3 6. Heavenly fouldrers, Luk2.13.True,eve- ry child of God is a heavenly creature , but a Miniker fhould be in a more fpeciall manner,a creature of another world, crucified unto this, asPaul Pays, I am crucified to the world , and the world unt o me. The preaching of the word is called the Kingdome of heaven,fo we that are the Preachers of it, fhould be of heaven too, not only in re- gard of the news we bring,but we our felvs that bring it, fhould be heavenly ones. When our Saviour Chrifi had told Nicodemm, that he mull be gotten from above, O, Pays he, art thou aTeacher in Ifraell, and hnowefl not thefe things? How beauti full upon the mountains ! The Mini- fters of the Gofpell mould be men aloft, the world mould be a valley to them beneath , they 4,ould not be Secular men. What care Angels for fine houles, or great livings ? They had rather be in the prifon with Peter,