to drOw:fie SAINTS. Peter, then with Herod at the Court. Doe Angels care for outward things? No;no more fhould Minifters. Paul was all for Jefus Chrift , I determined not to know any thing among you,but Jefus Chrift and him crucified, t Cor. 2. z. He cared not though the great Philofophers of Co- rinth took him for aDunce in alt humane learning ; Jefas Chrift and him crucified, Paul included all his learning in that. Thirdly, the Angelis (land before God, as Daniel Pays, Ten thaufand times ten thaufandflood before him, Dan.. lo. So the Minifters of God are to (land before God, as God faith to Jeremy,Thou¡halt ft..nd beforeme, Jer.i5.19. The Minifters of God are to (land before God , to know what his pleafure is unte the people,what meflage he hash for them. Again, the Angels are Mínif ring fjiirit.r, Pent forthfor the good of them that are heirs of falvatton, Heb. 144. So Minifters , they are to minifter unto them that are the heirs of falvation, to watch over their fouls, to be ufefull to them in all their wayes.Again, the Angels pitch their tents round about them that aregood, as the Prophet (peaks; fo the Minifters, they are the Churches Angels. Whether Paul,or Apollos,or Cepbas,all are yours,they are not their own:But as they are Chrifls,fo next under him, they are theirs that are Chrifis, they are Minifters by whom they beleeve,helpers of their faith; they are Gods fervants to bring Jacob againe to him. Angels are Gods meffengers,they never come but when they are fent from God : fo it is Paid of Minifters, There w as a man Sent from God,whofe name was John, Ioh. i.6. The de of this is, Vita, Here we fee that the Miniliry is no bale Office;the world makes a matter of nothing of Gods faithfull Minifters ; vile men will Sirra them at their pleaffire,& take them up as if they were their dìfh- clouts.But beloved,here we fee if they areas it were An- gels of God. The Apofkle makes bold to call Chrift him - lblfe aMinifer, Rom. i 5.5. Now I fay (faYes'he) that pis Chrift wac a Minìfter : the Apoftle knew it was no C 9