.._-------- IO I Ca Ii I s T's ,.Alarm diÌparagement unto him. Soloman when he would chufe him his Title, and might have called himfelf,The Kong of Ifraell, and Judah, yet he rather takes this as honórable e- nough,7 he Preacher; Thm faith the Preacher, Eccle, i. p , The Office of a Miniher is an Angels office. When Za- chary perceived that his child fhould be a Miniffet, though yet he were a little babe lying in the cradle , he admires hilt : And thou chtlde /halt be called the, Prophet of the flrghèfl, for thou /halt goe before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge offalvation for the re- m-ffionof ftnnes, to give light unto them that fit indark- nef >, and in the fhadow of death, to guide their feet in the way of peace, Luk. í.76,77. The Angels ofheaven never gee on greater errands then there., When they came to the Shepheards , what did they doe ? they did but tell them of the birth of Chrifl , of peace on earth, and good. wilt Cowards men. Noce this is the Minifters duty , let the world thinke what they willof us, as though our cal- ling were mean , and they care not much whet her they heave us or no, they will not regard what we preach. O beloved, confider what an office we have, we are Gods Angels unto yoa,ro declare unto man his righreoufnes,Jo6 3 3.23, to pray men to C'hriffs fiead to be reconciled unto God,. 2 Cor.5. o. to gather ro¢ether the faint s,Ephe. 4. 12. There are no (mall things, no mean inìployments to treat between God and Man about eternal' life, to be Chrifts Paranymphs, and' the friends cffhe B idegrootn to dealeI about the getting of a wire for the Lamb , to cater for heaven, to bring; to ctiftome for the Kingdome ofGod: The whole world bath not greater office in it yee'eàn not defpife hither óür'perfóns or our mef3age'and bh'fa= ved, as Paul (ayes, Lit a man fo e fleem of u3 , as of' the Abash filers of Chrtfi- , and the ffcwardt of the myftertes of God, t Cor. 4:'1. 1. d. 'O take heed hawye flight us, of our Mini(Iry, 3'e cannot lave the myfteries 'of -grace without us, yeeCannot have faving khoWléáge; 'tor re- generation, nor fdithiAfithijneus. PittierroHlidiCe what God 0