Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to ¿rowfie SAINTS. God may doe extraordinarily; but this is Gods ordinary Way: How can they beleeve en him of whom they have not heard ? and how can they heart without, a Preacher ?Rom. 10.4. and therefore our office is no mean office,, we are !, as the Angels of God unto you, and people fhoafd hon- our our Miniftry when a Minifter comes into the Pulpit , ! even as if an Angell did appeare. It is faid when Sainted came to Bethlehem , the elders of the town trembled at his coming, i Sám.16.4.. Secondly,are Minifters Angels ? then they mutt be ho- ly; yee know the Angels are holy : When the Yonne of man fhall come in hù glory and ail his holy Angels with leirn, Mat.25,; r . They are holy all of them: fo fhould the Minifters be holy; other wife they maybe Angels indeed, but they ar.e evillangells, angells ofdarkneffe,; they are Devils if they be not holy. Every ignorant, gtacelefle and uncpnfcionable Minifter is ready to preffe the dig- nity of his calling, and what an honorable office he hash; but he never confiders what a Minifter then he muff be. If we be Angels, brethren, why then as we like this hò- notable Title, we muff have a care to be holy , or elfe , I fay, we are Devils. Thofe Angels that are not ho- ly, are Devils. Nay, our very calling fuppofes us Co be holy, Let thy Slrim and thy T hummim be with thy ho- ly one, Deut.3 3.8. fo that our very calling will teftifie a- gainft us, if we be not holy : We of all men amulet labour to be holy; What, a Minifter, and yet a drunkard ?'a Mi niffer,and yet_a whoremonger? a Minitter end yet with- out the feare of God ? a Minifter, and yet have a dead heart ? O confider What God (ayes, What ha /I thou to dote declare my¡tatates, or that thou fhoptfe take my co- venant within thy month, feeing thou hatefh infra îlion,and haft' call my words behind thee ? Pfa. 5o 16,17; With what face can we here hand in a Pulpit, and preach againft fin, and teach our hearers to make conscience of all their way es, and denounce the judgements of God a- gainft them that doe evill, if we that condemnç apother 2 4oe. 11 2. Tife