Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

I2 CFiRiSTS IIgrYN3 vfe 3. do the fame things or as bad? How inexculable are we, if we can preach the flrartnes of heavens gate, and the nar- rowneffe of the way, and the firiftnefre of' the account the people (hall be forced to give at the Taft day , and lay heavie burdens on other mens fhoulders, and we our (elves not touch themwith one of our fingers ? Teach precifely, and live loofely ; teach gracioufly, and walke broadly This is grolfe hypocrite; aft zeal and goodnef e in the Pulpit, and be heartleffe and lake -warm in our pri- vate duties unto God. Again, we can never look to do good,if we be not ho- ly, as Jet will not draw if it be not clean:For how can we hope our people will follow our exhortations, if they fee we doe not follow them out (elves ? When S. Luke had (hawed how Barnabas exhorted the Chriflians to cleave dole unto God, AtI.t t. a3. prefently he gives a reafon why he might well exhort them to doe fo , For he was a good man, fall ofthe holy Ghofi and of faith, v:24. When our hearers are met with for any of their fins, when we rub their confciences with our Sermons, prefently their eye is at us, and if they fee ustobe vain and worldly, this heals them again; though the word wounded them , yet this is an cafe to them, O think they, he is as bad himfeif; and we fee.rio fuch holineife in him , and we are as faire for heaven as he,he loves his penny as well as we,he is as ready to quarrel' as we,he is as proud,and ambitious, and fearfull,and idle, as we; he loves to fleep in a whole skin, what will not he doe rather then lofe his living ? beet break the Sabbath, and teach others to doe fo. Now, my brethren, how fhouid we abhorre this ! O it fhould prick and fpur us up to Rudy holineffe of life, that fo our Mi- mi1lery may be powerful'. Thirdly, are Miniflers Angels ? Then they fhould be apt to teach, ready to preach, and to labour in Word and Doftrir.e. It is laid of the Angels, that they have wings, One of the Seraphim: came flying unto me, Ifa. 6.6. They jare ready preft to do any thing that the Lord gives them. in