to drowfió" SAINTS. i3 in charge ; fo fhould we be,or elle how fhould webeare the name of Angels ? We muff labour, that we may be fruitfull in all our labours among our people. Ye know the Angels are called Reapers, and fo are Gods Minilters, I lent you to reap, Ioh.4.38. When a man reaps he gathers; nay, Chrift chuteth good Minilters for this end, that they fhould bring forth fruit in their places , I have ordPined you that ye frouldgo and bring forth mach fruit, Ioh. t5.í6. Nay, our Saviour Chrift fuppofes that all his true Mini. tiers are fruitfull upon fome. Every fower though he have force high -way ground to fow in, and Tome thorny ground, and forte ftony ground, yet he bath force good ground or other. For firft,a good Minifferit is the delire of his foul to fee the fruits of h's labours ; As a Hen , many alien will hardly ever off from her eggs, till fhe fee a young chic. kens rill peep nay, the will fit (till till fhe die before fhe will off. What made Pan! fo défirous to come to the Romans? Was it onely to fee them , and to be among them,or to take his tythes or his maintenance ?No,it was that he might have fome fruit, Rom.I.1 3. And certainly, this is the finely of every true Minuter , that he may fee his preaching fruitful' in the converfion and falvation of lome,that tome are awakenedby his means,that Tome are quickned, force are made to leave their thanes, and come new creatures unto God. Secondly, does not every man count it a mifery to be unprofitable? The Lord names it as a brand upon wicked . men,that they are unprofitable.Rom.3 . t a. What a wolull brand is this, when we can livetwo, three, (even, ten, twenty years in a place,and our fervices are unprofitable, no man delivered.out.of ignorance, no man purged from his filthineffe by our means; when our Miniftery is a dead letter, we preach without life, and BO man is trantlated from death to life by it ? I fay, this is to be unprofitable , like fait that bath loft his favour. I confeffe the bell Mi- niflers may have little takings, as the belt tradefman may C 3 have Mat,13.3,3. a.