l4 3, 4. CHRIS T' 5 ;Vann have little vent for his wares When his tradinggrowes dead.' Nay thirdly, this is the end of our gifts, that wee may profit with them , as the Apoftle fays, The manifeftariom of the Spirit'ugiven unto everyman to profit wirhald,iCor. 12.7. Hath he given us knowledge? He bath given iti s that we fhonld profit others with it. Hath he given us skill in the opening and applying of the Scriptures ? He bath given it unto us, that we may doe good with the fame. And therefore, O how earneft fhould we be that our Miniftery may profit, that our paines may be pro- fitable and fuccefsfull, that we may fay with the Prophet Efay, Lord, behold I and the Children whom thon haft g :ven me. Fourthly, this is the,beff argument that God bath of a certain called us to bee Miniflers in his Church. If "we have called our (elves, and run without fending, then no marvell if we be fruitleffe , and do little or no good. But if we find that God blefleth our labours, this is the bell feal of our Miniflry:as if the arrow hit; it's a good figne it was fent out ofthe bow ; it may fall out of the bow of it own accord. but then it never hits: but when it is Pent out of the bow,ye know he that fends it,will aim ; and there- fore now when it hits,that's a figne it was lent indeed:fo when a Minder converts peoples fouls , this is a good figne that God fent him; when a Minifier can fay to his. people; as Paul to the Corinthians, The fiale ofmme A- pofile(tüp are ye in the Lord, t Cor.g.2. though be not an 4poftle unto others yet doubtleffe lam to you: For the foal of my 4poftlofhipare,ye in the Lórd.So the felt of us Mini - fters are ye in the Lore : though I have not converted o- thers, yet doubtleffe I have converted you unto God, as he fayes, Truly, the fgnes of an Apoflle were Inn; tight a- mong you, 2 Cor. 12.1 2,N&o. -4 Fifthly, this is that Which will give us'comfort,.when we lie uporrburdeatb`- bed`s, when we can fay, we have 'been faithfullr in our callings, and can Phew a token of it too,