Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to dro$e SAINTS. too, by blefhng of our faithfulnelfe in gaining of fòuks,a s Paid faith to the The jJdonians, What u your hope, orjoy,or es owe of rejoyciug ? Are not even lee in the prefence of our Lord 1efttt Chriff at his earning ? For ye are our gloryand joy, i Thef.2.19,2o._ This is a pledge of our glory. The promite is cleare , They that turn or hers unto righteossf- ale, [hall )/line as the ftarres, Dan. 1 2.3. I do not deny, but a wicked Minifter that bath parts, and is gifted ofGod withaa Art offpeakingto the confcience , may convert; and therefore it is not a naked argument. But when a man bath had this fucceffe by his faithfulneffe, and bath fet himfelfe to doe it in Gods way indeed ; what an un- fpeakable comfort is this 1 He is not the wifeft Minifter that can plot molt for preferment, or can preach bell for applaufe, or the like : No, no ; but he that can molt compote himfelfe to doe good, He that winneth foules is wife, Prov. l r. 3o. that is, as he had need to be a wife man, and,to goe wifely to- worke, that would doe it : fo he is wife to himfelfe, he layes up to himfelfe a good foundation of a comfortagainft the world to come. Sixthly, and laftly, if we can endure to be unprofitable, not to nitre up our felves, not to point and ílbarpen our Mininerythat it may pierce into mensconfciences, nor never Rudy how to do good, what a heavie woe will lie upon us ? You read what was done unto the unprofitable fervent, he was found hard and foot, and cafi iato ut- ter :dari neffe,wlere is wee,pingandgnajhirg of Mat, 25.30.0 then how carefulilhould we be to do good, and to be effec`tuall Preachers,that wdmay lay,thefe and theft I. have been an inftrument of good to , by the mercy of God thefe and thefe have I begotten through the Gof- peli, then are we Angels indeed, that are tent out for the good of Gods elect I confeffe it is good to civilize our people,to abate their wìckednefte, tomake themprofef -' fors, and I would to God we could fee more ofthefe ef- feas rather then none.,Butto gather in Gods- eleét, this . is an Angels work ;the converfation of one fouleas bete ter 15 t ;.