CHRIST'S ,Alarm ter then the civilizing of a thoufand. And therefore let us be diligent and induttrious, and preach in feafon and out of feafon, let us con the skill of preaching, not to tic- kle mens itching eares, not fo much to make our people fay, our Minifiter is a fine Schollar,a good Churchman, as to rouze up the confciences of our hearers,to pull downe their hearts before God, to feed their foules with divine meat, with the good knowledge of the Lord, to thew them the feverall wiles of Satan, as Paul (ayes, Speaks thou the things which become found doo`trine, that the aged men be fober .and grave,cb'c. Tit,2 ,1. that is, fo preach, as to good, to old men, to old women, to young men, to young women, to Matters, to fervants,to all,as it follow s there ; we mutt looke unto our life, that we de- file not our Angels place, that we doe not undoe what we preach. Alas !if we doe not fincerely praefife all that we doe deliver, if our lives doe not anfwer our teaching, we are like unto kine that give very good milke, but then put their feet into the paile, or throw downe the paile when they have done. This is tomake our preaching of no effèe`t ; and therefore as the Apoftle (ayes to Timothy, Take heed unto thy felfe, and to thy doctrine, continue in them for in doing this, thou (halt both fave thy felfe and them that heare tbee,z Tim.4.16.They are the belt Mini - lters,that carry people unto heaven ; when men thinke to fend people to heaven, and not goe themfelves, luppof e this thould doe the deed, yet what willit profit us, if our people goe to heaven,and we flay behind,and never come there? Nay,we cannot look they will goe,except they fee us goe before them; and therefore let us doe nothing that may hinder the fruitfulneffe of our Sermons. Thus (hall we be Angels indeed. Fourthly, another life is,If Minitîers be-Angels, then let us know that we are mainly for Gods eleéì, as the Pfalmift fay es of every ele& perfon, God fhall give his Angels;cbarge over thee,to keep thee in all thy wayes,Pfal, 91.11 Marge, the Angels have the.charge of the ele t, they