Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to drowfie SAINTS. they are their maine charge.; may be they are to do many things towards others, but thefe are their principali charge fo it mutt be with Gods Minigers, their chiefe charge is towards Gods elea, as the Apoltle ¡ayes, I en- dare all things for the elelds fake,t hat they may alfo obtain the falvation 'which is inCbrift lofio,whichis eternallglo- ry, 2 Tir.2. i o. We that are Gods Minigers, have all our gifts andgraces for their fakes ; He gave fame Apoflles , and fame Prophets, andforce Evangelrfts,and fame Paftors and Teachers. for what ? For the per felling of the Saint r, for the sworkof the Miniftery, for the edifying of the Body ofChri ft, Ephef.4. r r,r 2. And therefore if we have any that faare God in our Parifhes, we fhould bend ourmain Minigery unto them, and for the adding of more to them; we fhould not bee like thofe wretched Mini['cers that count fuch perlons the worti of their flack , and they do moti hate them, and oppofe them, and jeere them : No, no, we fhould molt dearly love them , and tender them , and bend our felves Onto them ; nay,we fhould not alto- gether in thefe bad times,ttand declaming againft drunk ards, murtherers, and Co leave the Lords Saints without their portion. The truth is , ye that live in yourrgodly courfes, ye that walk after your wicked lufls,and will not be gotten to forfake your curled doings,we could be con- tent to lay hell here before you in every Sermon,& fpend our fhot on you,all the houres that we have of preaching in the weeke, are little enough to tell you what a damned condition ye are in. But if ye will not enter in into the (trait gate, we mull not negle& them that will;ifye will be filthy,be filthy ftill,and if ye will to hell,and we cannot perfwade you to live out of your finnes. Though there be but two or three that are well minded in our Parifhes, we are to bend our feives chiefly unto them. Indeed as long as we have any hope of adding more to their corn- pany,we mutt preach points for them too. May be Tome of Gods ele I are among you, and if there'be, the Word will find them out. I fay, this is our maine charge, to be D gro- T