18 5. vfe CHRIST'S ,Alarm groping for Gods elect, and when any of them appeare, to tender them moft, fo (hall we Phew our felves Angels indeed for the good of Gods chofen. More fifes I might make,and very many too. But I will content my felfe with one more, and that (hall be to you that are hearers. If Gods Minigers be An- gels, then how fhould you come to the hearing of the word of God ? Even as it an Angell fhould drop downe from heaven unto you. How fhould you receive the Mi- ni(ters of God that delire to be faithfull ? Even as the Galatians received Paul, even ae an Angell of God, Gal.4.14.yeaeven tu Ghriflhimfelfe; ye mull not Tooke up into the Pulpit, as feeing nothing but a poore mortali man there,but as though an Angell of God were (landing there. How grave fhould our meetings here be ? how reverently thould ye fit in your Pewes ? how facredly thould we hand in our desks? how gracioufly fhould we deliver Gods errands,and youheare them with feare and trembling. When a good Miniller appeares in the Con- gregation, it is as if an Angell of heaven appeared unto you to fpeak unto you. O in what a homely manner doe we cot^to Church? the Majefty of the Word is not feen;nay, we may fpeak it with thaine, neither by us the the speakers, nor by you the hearers ; we doe not come to the Word as if an Angell from heaven had fpoken it. But generally, moil people fee little more then a poore mortali creature in the Pulpit, and fo they deale with the Word accordingly, Sec. Thus ye have heard the firft Doctrine ; 7o the Angell of the Church in Sardis, wrote. I fhould now fpeake of the fingular number, he does not fay , To the Angels, though there were many Minìgers in Sardis , yet he 1peakes unto them ail as if they were all one. From whence we are taught,The unity that is between true and right Miniffers they are all as one man. And then where- as he infcribes the Epiftle, To the Angell of the Church, though he write to all the Church, and blames and con- demnes