Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to dro ofie SAINTS. 19 demnes all the Churches, yet he names none but the An- gel/;here we are taught , That a Minifier pre.: in the good and in the evill of his Pari(hes : if they be good, it is to his praife; if they be evill, commonly he is guilty of it. Revel. 3. r. ndunto the Angell of the Church in Sardis,wrire, Theft things pith he that hash the fives Spirits of God, &c. IHave made an entrance into the words: ye have heard the Analyfis of the whole Epiftle,and a (host expoliti- on , or a paraphrafe upon all the verles. Unto the Angell of the Church in Sardis, write. This is the infcription or fuperfcription of the letter that Chrift would hava writ- ten to the Minifters and Chriftians in the town of Sardis: Where firft yee heard this point ofDoctrine, That li- niffers are as the Angels of God unto their Pari/hes. When God fends his Miniffers unto a people, it is as if he fent his Angels from heaven unto them. But I will not trou- ble you with any repititions. Thenext point I foretold you of, that arifeth out of the fe words, is this, That ad the true ilfiniflers of the Church are allow as it were, there is or ought to be an u- nity between them all, even as if they were all one An- gell, Unto the Angell of the Church in Sardis, write, and yet the Town was a great Town, and there were many Minii"tars in it; fo we may fee it was in Ephefus, the text Cayes, that Paul called all the Elders of the Church of Ephefus together, and laid unto them, Tale heed unto your felves, and to all the flock, over the which the holy Ghof bath made you overfeers, Ads 2023, he fpeakes D 2 to There words are a tranfla- don and ought not to be expounded