2-® CHRIST'S flarin 1. to the Minifters there as to many, and yet S. John is to write to them all as to one Minifter, Unto the Angell of the Church of Ephcfns, write, Rev. z. I. noting thus much unto us, That i1 tini flers (bosh( be atlas one 'Wini- fler ; there fhould be a fweet harmony and a glorious agreement,and content and unity between them all,even as if they were all one Minifter; fo that the doftrine is plaine.So again,lohn prophecying of John Huffe,and Je- rome of Prague, and other Godly Minifters in fucceeding ages, that fhould mightily ftrive againft the primacy and domineering of the man of fin, layes, There followed ano- ther Angell, faying, Babylon is fallen, Babylon is fallen, Revelations 1s,. 8. hee cals them all one Minifter , in. timating unto us how that they all agree in one. I do not mean,firft, that if one Minifter be a drunkard, that all others fhould be fo too ; if one be a man.pleafer and a dawber, that all others fhould be fo too; that if one bean ignorant Sir John, all others fhould be fo too; eve- ry unity is not good, there is unity as our Saviour Chrift fhewes even among the very Devils in Hell. For if Sa- tan le divided againfl Satao,how can his KingdomeJlandt 1at,12.26. There is a unity among rogues and theeves, Come, fay they, calf in thy lot among us, and let us have one purfe, Prov. r. ¡4. There was unity among Ahab, 400 falle Prophets, they all hung together in a firing, Goe up and preLber. All the prophetsprophefied fa, r Kings 22.12. as the Meflen;er laid to tltica,ah, All the Prophets pro- phefie good to the King with one mouth, let thy word be like rheirs;be not thou lingular,be not thou an odd fellow by thy fell; they all agree in one. There was unity among the Priefts that were met together in a Synod for the condemning of Chrift, they all were in one note, That be was worthy to die. The Prophet obferves that there was unity amongft all the blind watchmen of Judah They are all ignorant, layes he, they are allalumb dogges, they cannot bark, fleeping, lying down, loving to flamber, they all /coke to their owne j, every one for his gaine from