to 6iro''vfe SAINTS. 21 from hìí gu:drter,Jfa.SG. ro,t r. This is an unity the world is full of nay and hell is full of, like the unity of Sodom a- gaintt Lot, the mein of Sodom compiled his houle round, both old and young from every quarter, Gem. r 9.4. This is a Devilli b unity, this is no true unity. True unity is in Bono, no matter how many are of one mind, and of one heart, and of one accord, if it be not an union in good, it is fà'lion and no union,as Tertullran told the Marcionites when they brag'd of their Churches, forfooth they were the Church, faith bee, Wafpes have their fwarmes : fo when wicked Minilfers (hall cry , 7 he Church , the Church, I fay, thefe are [watmes of Wafps, 1 doe not mean inch a unity : when it is not in good, the greater the unity is, the leffe unionis indeed. Secondly, I doe not mean neither, that Minifters fhould thus hang together in one, that if one be a Boa- merges, a fon of thunder, another fhould be fo too. For Minilfers may be different in different auditories. Huf- bandmen fow their feed according to the diverfity of their ground;the Phylician tempers his Phyfck acording to his patients con[l:itution : as long as people are of fun. dry difpoftions, fo certainly the Mmtffers manner of preaching may be various. And therefore I doe not mean fueh an unity neither, that all Preachers fhould be moulded alike; nay, the fame Minifter may and mull differ from himfelfe, fometimes come with cordials, fonttimes with corratives,to Ping of mercy and judgment, to preach comfort to whom comfort, and vengeance to whom vengeance belongs,to fcme he mull give milk, to others lirong meat. Paul had a rod as well as the fpi- rit of meekneffe. Zacharies Pallor was to have two flaves,the one called Beauty and the other cal'd Bands,and fo he was to feed the flock , Zach, i 1.7. A Chirurgian path aking tents as well as fuppling oyle. The Apelle Taut when he was to deale with Elymas the Sorcerer , he fet his eyes on him, and called him the child of the .Devil! but when he was to deale with Sergius Paulus, D3 he z. Hrb:r3,r4.