Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

2L CHRISTS ;larr 3. he was mild with him. Our Saviour Chrift preach t the acceptable ye ere of the Lord to fome; and to other Tome as though he were not the fame Preacher, he had no thing but woes in his mouth. There were two nioun- taines in Ca4aan, there was the ble fling on mount Geri - zim for fome, and the cuffing on mount Ebal for others. Againe thirdly, we doe not mean that all minillers fhould be the fame in gifts and parts, and meafure of knowledge and fanaification ; for that can never be loo- ked for, every Parifh can never be provided for alike. Starres are of different magnitudes , force flarres are greater, tome infer : The Angels are not all of cnerank, fume are ordinary Angels, force Arch angels , force are Principalities, force are Dominions, force are Thrones, Col. r. r 6. and may be, thofe that are meaneft, fo they be godly , and fern of God, may doe as much good as thofe that are more excellent; nay more, convert more, awa- ken more , fettle more : for it is not they that work, but God by them who is not tied unto Organs, unity is not hindred by difparity. Paul cals Ep4phrodlues who was much inferior to him,his brather,and companion in la6oar, and fellow toddler, Phil.2.25. Though Clement were a minifler muchmeaner then he,yet he cals him his fellow - labourer,Phil.4,3.Though Tychicus came never fo much fhort of him,yet he terms him hú fellow fervant, Col.4.7. So that there may be unity for all this, and agratious fympathy and agreement betweene minilters, though of never fo different parts , fo they be lincere and cordially minded to doe good. You will fay then, What is that unity that mutt be a- mong minifters ? I anfwer i. They mutt be all competently endued with ability for the work of the miniftery, all mull agree in this, that they be able men in force meafure. Hee hash made us able Mini.Iers of the new teffament, 2 Cor.3 .6. able to preach to the confcience, able to do it with po- wer and might, able to divide the word aright , able to give