Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to drowjie SAINT S. give every one his portion in due feafon. They are none of Gods minifters that are not able men, that are not alle to teach and apply, to be the mouth of God unto the people, and the mouth of the peo- ple unto God , that are not able to Peek that which was loft , to bring againe that which is driven away, to bind that which is broken, to ftrengthen that which is Fick. Thofe that are not able to doe this, they are blind guides, Idol- fhepheards, and no minifters. Pauhfayes,that a mi nilter tuft be able by founddotirtne both to exhort and to convince the gainfaycrs,Tit.t.9. Faith full men ;able to teach others,aTim.2.2. This was one of the ends that Chrift af- cended up on high , that he might give gifts unto men for the minifery, as one Apoftle !peaks, Eph.4. 8. and fo as it folio wes, He gave force ,Apoftles, and forme Prophets, and fame Evangcle/ís, andfame Paftors and Teachers. All Mi- ni(ters fhould aeree in this, that they be able. Secondly, they mutt be all fent of God, though a man be never fo able, yet if he be not fent of God, he is not a Miniller. Private Chriflians many of' them have excel- lent abilities,' as the text lay es, I am perfwaded ofyou, my brethren,thatye are all fnN ofgoodneffe, filledwith all lZnow- ledge,able to admontfh one another, Roma 5. r 4. he (peaks of private Chri(tians a I(ày, they are able many of them, and there is very great afe of their abilities too, for the good of their families, for the good of Chriftian commu- nion, and thelike ; yea, it is a fhame that private Chrifti- ansliving under good means of grace, doe not grow able to teach. When for time yea ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the firfl principles of the oracles of God, Heb.5. r z. Mark, he fhames private Chriftians that doenot grow able to teach. But yet this is not enough to make minifters; trueminifters agree all in this, that they are fent of God. How (hall they preach except they be fent ? Rom t o.r S. I have not thruff in my felfe for a Paftor, (ayes Jeremy. They are intruders and not minifters that cannot prove their commiffion from God, 2;