Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to droufiie SAINTS. zg we fee there of Jeremy, O thú man ú not worthy to dye, for he hath token onto to in the Name of the Lord, fer. 26. 16. There's never a fent Minifter, but ifhe come in trouble,except peoples confciences be feared with a hot Iron, they will fpeake for him in their bofomes : Alas 1 why is he put downe ? Why is he imprifotsed ? Why is he oppofed ? He bath Ipoken to us in the Name of the Lord. So that this is the fecond wherein all Minitiers fhoald agree, they fhould be all fent of God, not conten- ting themfelves witlilthe calling of man, without being alto called of God. Thirdly, they mutt all agree in the matter that they preach; the fame word is delivered unto all Minitiers to preach.Preach the word,a Tim.4. The fame Gofpell, the fame Truths,the fame Duties, the fame Commandments, the fame Promifes,the fame threatnings: Ye know there is one God, and one Faith, and one Baptilme, one Lord Jefus Chrift; there is but one way of life,one gate to hea- ven,one falvation,orte Bible : Now every Minifter mutt agree in this : You know all men are by Nature the chil- dren of wrath,in a damned eitate ; now all Pulpits fhould agree in this,every Minifter labouringto bring their peo- ple to a fight of their mifery by finne ; every Minifter fhould fhew his people what curled creatures they are, untill they be converted and renewed ; every Minifter fhould preffe the evill of finne, and open the wiles of Sa- tan, the guilt of the coufcience, the fpiritualnetfe of the Law, the neceffity of humiliation, and repentance, and amendment of life, that there is no mercy but in Chrift, no falvation but by Chrift, except people take him to live in their hearts by faith.Ail Minitiers thould let their peo- ple know the terror of the Lord, the ltric4netle of Gods judgements, the infeparable connexion of mercy and a godly life, that no prophane petfon can enter into Gods Kingdome;no hypocrite,no meer civili maa;that a forme of godlineffe will not ferve turne, that none but Saints (hall ftand at Chrifts right hand at the laft day. All Mini - E fters