C H R l: s T's LAlarm Rets fhould preach what a narrow path there is to Para - dife, and how few there be that find it, that Caving grace cannot Rand with the reigne of the 'Mt lufl, that people mull be pure and holy,what ever the world thinkofpure- nefle,and precifeneffe,and ftrïetneffe, yet without this no flefh fhall be faved. If all Pulpits founded with thefe truths, and all Minifters cried thefe aloud. and would lift lap their voices like a trumpet, and not (pare, what a land fhould we have ? The want of unity in this matter, is the caufe that wtckedneffe does fo mu& abound:a drunkard, . a whoremafler, a muckworme may come to a Sermon, and goe away with hope that he (hall have peace. When Mintflers make the Pulpit a fcaffold, in which like Ma- tters of Defence they play their prizes,blazon their owne wits, deCcant upon their Text, as though the Scripture were a rattle for children and fooles to 1port with,tofling it to and fro, hither and thither, as boyes at a Tennis : when they goe about to amaze their hearers, to mount aloft,to be in their high phrafes, and coyned words, more like Mimicks and Comedians then Mtnifters; when they fearch into moth -eaten Friers, affea Allegories, would faine be thought Linguifls,and interlace a many of allega- tions of Latine and Greeke fentences, which a Schoole- boy might doe with a Polyanthea : or ifthey (peak plain, they skim the truth of the Scriptures,and never dive deep io the edifying of the fotile.May be they will preach good morali matter. But a man may goe to hell,though he doe as they teaeh; people may heare them a thoufand times, and no man made to cry out, What have I done ? They }reach of repentance, but then they open it fo flightly, that a man may repent as they fay, and be damned : they preach of faith in Chrift, but they make it fo broad, that thoufands have it and linke into the bottomletre pit with it : they preach that fin malt be forfaken, and a good life mull be led, but they handle it in that wife,that their hea- rers may doe as they fay,and yet have no more grace then a reprobatc,nor fo much neither. Now beloved,the unity among